My son is 7 months old and has not been in any form of childcare and we do not vaccinate. For church childcare, do I need to have exemption forms for him? They do not ask about vaccine status, but I don't know if the vaccine laws apply for church childcare. I live in California. Thanks for your help.

PUBLIC schools and PUBLIC daycare must follow state laws and allow whatever exemptions for vaccines the state has and all states have at least one.

However as far as I know PRIVATE daycare and admit or not admit anyone they want based on any criteria.

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6 Responses to Vaccine Exemptions and Church Care?

  1. tammer says:

    I personally do not think you should be allowed to send you child into a public setting that is standard to check vac. records to allow them there. Like public school do. If you chose not to do as required you should home school, and not be allowed to use daycare.
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  2. SweetMe says:

    Even if the vaccine laws don't apply for church childcare,
    you should have your son vaccinated. If not, he could
    get an illness from one of the other kids.
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  3. Jersey Girl says:

    get him vaccinated, or don't put him in daycare. do you know how much crap that child could spread?
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  4. mystic_eye_cda says:

    PUBLIC schools and PUBLIC daycare must follow state laws and allow whatever exemptions for vaccines the state has and all states have at least one.

    However as far as I know PRIVATE daycare and admit or not admit anyone they want based on any criteria.
    References :
    Oi! Did you ask whether/when you should vaccinate? NO!

    Is it possible you have a medical reason not to vaccinate? YES!

    Is vaccinating a black and white issue? NO!

    Are there countries that do not vaccinate until age 2? YES! Do they have low rates of vaccine preventable disease? YES! Do they have lower rates of SIDS, which may or may not be related to vaccination? YES!

    Anyway any decision any parent makes where they inform themselves, weigh the pros and cons I respect. Any sheep who just do whatever the doctor or someone else says I have no respect for. And any person who gives any medication (including vaccines) to their child without reading the patient insert so they know what side effects (and dosage for parent administrated medicines) they should be looking for should be charged with child neglect.

  5. TBDito says:

    My understanding is most Daycares and preschools (private or not) have to be licensed by the state and follow California Immunization laws. One exemption of this is daycare and schools run by city departments. The form required is two pages (front and back) an example is here:
    The back has the section for exemption due to personal beliefs.
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  6. elizabeth says:

    Don't worry about that. The church childcare typically does not carry government policies and from what I understand is that being pure is looked at in a positive way at a church. If they don't require it then don't worry about it. Just remember that it is typically the vaccinated children carry the diseases because of the vaccines. I do selective/delayed vaccination.
    References :

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