I took my 13 wk old puppy to get shots on friday, saturday morning she died. There were no signs at all. She was a very tiny baby weighing only 1.7 lbs. He did give her I guess like tylenol and she spit it out so he gave her another dose. I’m just so confused as to what happened to her. I was going to send her to get an autopsy but was told I would not get her back. For the sake of my kids, we decided to bury her instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am just heartbroken.
She had her rabies shot and dhppc. He said what he gave her was to help her from being so sore he also gave me a dose of it to give her the next afternoon, which she never made it to. then he gave her some clindamycin which is an antibiotic but was suppose to help with her bad breath b/c she was teething

It is uncommon for vaccines to kill a dog, but it is possible. Since she was so small she could have had an allergic reaction that killed her. Having a necropsy done would tell you exactly what killed her but I can understand you wanting to bury her instead. I am so sorry for your loss.

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8 Responses to Is it possible for vaccines to kill a puppy who is 13 wks old?

  1. bzzflygirl says:

    It could have been the vaccinations. Tiny puppies are extra fragile. Should have done the autopsy, the kids would have been fine without the extra sugarcoating.
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  2. omg_its_nello says:

    First Of All You Should Sue The Veterinarian
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  3. miaugh says:

    I’m very sorry about your puppy. What vaccines did she have? I don’t know of any vet that would give Tylenol, it must have been something else. Sometimes the vet will recommend or give a certain dosage of Benedryl prior to a vaccine, to lessen the possibility of a vaccine reaction, if the dog previously had a reaction to vaccines.
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  4. Chris says:

    I just took in two schnauzers to foster and they are from the humane society. When I talked to my vet about getting the next set of shots like the humane society paperwork recommends, she said they may not need them, that lately some dogs have been reacting to having to many shots. These dogs are a bit older though, 2 and 10 yrs….have you also had a chance to ask another vet in your area what he/she might guess had happened?

    We just lost our beloved Benji two weeks ago and I completely understand that heartbroken feeling, my heart goes out to you and your family…
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  5. Vulk says:

    sorry to hear about your puppy. if i were you, i would sue the vet.
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  6. susan says:

    It is uncommon for vaccines to kill a dog, but it is possible. Since she was so small she could have had an allergic reaction that killed her. Having a necropsy done would tell you exactly what killed her but I can understand you wanting to bury her instead. I am so sorry for your loss.
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  7. Shannon M says:

    Suing the vet is not the answer. There is always going to be a risk when it comes to shots of any kind, whether for people or animals. It is possible that your baby had some kind of anaphylactic response. Perhaps even to the other medications she was given.

    I had gotten a puppy once years ago from the pound. I got it on a Thursday, took it to the vet on Friday for it’s shots, by Monday morning, I was back at the vet because she started showing symptoms of Parvo. They gave her fluids and put her on some medication. Within two days she was majorly improved. Apparently she had been exposed to parvo and the shots just sped things up. She survived and lived to an old age.

    The point is that there are risks. The vet did not hurt that baby on purpose. He is there to help, not hurt. They do the best they can, but no one is perfect.

    Jen, I’m sorry you and your kids had to go through that.
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  8. ♫♪ Nekkid Bootie ♪♫ says:

    Its possible she had a reaction to the vaccine.. vaccine reactions are more common in small dogs.

    However if it was tylenol the vet gave her, that would have killed her, as tylenol is toxic to dogs!

    13 weeks is a little young for the rabies, expecially a dog that tiny!
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