I have friends that are dead set on the idea that vaccines caused thier childrens autism.

I didn't used to, but I certainly do now. When my third baby got his four month shots he slept for two days then stopped babbling, smiling, laughing, and waving. My next baby won't be getting any vaccines at all.

Do plenty of research. People think vaccine reactions are rare, but they're not!

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21 Responses to Does anyone else feel a danger in having your infant children vaccinized?

  1. Johnny's Mommy says:

    Some people feel the same way as your friends….

    Some people don't…

    I'm choosing to go on a slower vaccination schedule with my son.

    It's the parents choice as to what they feel is best for their baby! :)
    References :
    I should add that I'm only doing the slower schedule like this – instead of getting all 4 shots in one visit, he gets two shots and then in the same month (about two weeks later) we go back and he gets the other two shots. I just don't like my son being given 4 shots at one visit, it just seems cruel to me – just my opinion though, not judging any other mothers at all!

  2. HappyMommy says:

    In some countries such as Singapore, vaccinations are mandatory. My parents, myself & now my baby had all been vaccinized & it's simply the norm here. The danger is exposing your baby to deadly diseases that cld have been saved with vaccinations.
    I've never heard of vaccinations causing austim here. If it does, I'm sure it would have caused our government to be concerned with having the entire nation at risk! Are your friends speaking from gut feeling or do they have actual scientific proof? What they are saying can become potentially irresponsible because that is discouraging people from getting the vaccinations which cld have saved some lives!
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  3. Brayden's Mommy says:

    I am honestly nervous about it but if they enter daycare there is no choice there.
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  4. ♥Inked mommy says:

    We have never thought of it as a 'danger' and we have decided to give him all necessary shots..all of our friends are doing the same.
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  5. mommy_2_liam says:

    That's wrong…the vaccine's only cause autism if there is the underlying gene for autism…maybe they should do their homework…they are doing their child a disservice by not getting them their vaccines.
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  6. lillilou says:

    I am more set on choosing an alternate vaccine schedule.
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  7. Aarica L says:

    there is no real evidence of autisim, your baby is being vacinated for sometimes deadly things, why take the chance????? they need them.
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  8. sammie says:

    Nope, I feel it's more of a danger to not have my children immunized.

    The study that linked autism was done on 12 children. It has since been proven as false, but the myth is still out there. Parents with special needs children are always looking for answers because it rids them of the feeling that it is their fault. It's normally not their fault, but the feeling is still there.
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  9. My4girls says:

    I dont know …. I have 4 girls and they have all gotten vaccinations ( I am not chancing them getting a disease that will or could KILL them)
    And I have never had any problems with advers reactions!!
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  10. Kelly P says:

    Vaccines do not cause Autism. They have disproved the original study and it is causing a lot of problems now. There has been a decrease in child vaccines by 35% in the last 2 years and this goes along with the increase in child hood illnesses that are on the rise again. =(

    Vaccines Save Lives!
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  11. angelhaiku says:

    I agree with your friends…

    My little sister when she was 6 months old had her vaccines and a few days later came down with infant botchalism and very very nearly died.

    Our neighbor's son was completely normal until he had his vaccines. He now has down syndrome and cerebral palsy.

    I've also heard stories where the children go deaf, blind, and also become autistic.

    I will never vaccinate my children. My mom stopped vaccinating us after my little sister's incident happened.

    It's very real and it happens to real life families and not just in the science books. Those shots are full of crap – literally. Go ahead and give me thumbs down, but I've seen living proof of the "benefits" of these shots.

    I never had my shot schedule completed and I'm probably one of the healthiest people I know. My mom tried to get us exposed to chicken pox, we never got them… we had bomb immune systems.
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  12. Jess says:

    Some believe it, some don't. There are studies and evidence on both sides. I think whatever your friends decide is best for their baby is the right thing for their baby.

    I believe there is a danger. I will be giving my son delayed vaccinations because of that.
    References :
    Mama to 9 month old baby boy

  13. iloveveggiesnstuff says:

    Yes! My son is 6 months old and he is not getting any vaccinations! You need to do some research yourself and see what other ingredients they use in them. For example they will use aborted fetal tissue, monkey kidney tissue, bovine serum, MSG, just to name a few.
    Also think about this: When you ingest something, especially any proteins, it must go through your digestive track and your body can assimilate it properly. When you get protein serums injected directly into bloodstream, bad things are bound to happen.
    I used to be a manager at a health food store and there were a bunch of people that SWORE their children developed autism after getting vaccinated.
    Also, whether its day care, elementary, high school or college, you can get an exemption for your child and they must be allowed to attend school.
    Each state has their own exemptions. Some have religious, philisophical and medical exemptions. Not every state has all 3.
    Do your research. The reason vaccines are not mandatory in this country is because the manufacturers of the vaccines and the gov't do not want to be held liable if your child does have a bad reaction. Basically they cannot say that vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
    It's even been proven that in the 90's there were a bunch of bad batches that were administrated that were too "hot". (and many children got sick)
    It comes down to your childs immune system. If it is strong and you take feeding them a healthy diet seriously, then they are less likely to come down with something.
    Also, think about this. All these people make a big stink out of how these un-vaccinated kids are getting the vaccinated kids sick. Well people, if you feel that way, then you are actually saying that the vaccine isn't 100% effective and your child may still contract something even though they got a shot for it.
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  14. Brittany says:

    I think there is a bigger danger in NOT having them vaccinated.
    But, I would suggest going with a delayed vaccination schedule, and only getting ones that are necessary. I would do a lot of research on the subject though, and don't be afraid to ask questions! I know a woman through my church who has the sweetest little toddler, who I occasionally watch and love to death! His mother is deadset that his vaccinations gave him autism. Not even a week after his vaccines, he completely stopped talking, and lost all forms of communication. I do believe there is some correlation, and thats why its best to do your research and find out what works best for your family. Best of luck!
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  15. Jon H says:

    That is a myth that any vaccines cause autism. The facts are that vaccines not only make your immune system stronger for the rest of your life, but also allow how not to get serious forms of tetanus, diptheria, pertusis, rheumatic fever, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatits b, and one of the worst kinds of the flu and meningitis caused by h. influenza type B. I would reccomend that you made sure your child got these vaccines as there is no relation between any long term disorders, defects, cognitive impairments and vaccinations. All of these vaccinations have been around long enough to monitor the effects and responses. The only time a child may get sick due to a vaccine or immunization is varicella(chickenpox) where they might display mild symptoms of chickenpox in less than 1-5% of the cases and the seasonal flu shot which can cause general malaise (not feeling well), stuffy nose, congestion, and minor headache. There is only one vaccine that we don't have much evidence of long term effects and that is the new Gardasil to prevent some of the most common strands of human papilloma which is the number one cause of cervical cancer. I still recommend getting Gardasil, because cancer in general is one of the top leading causes of death in the United States. You should check this site to show that there are no links http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/pr/news/story.cfm?id=1848 . If your child gets an illness that could be prevented from a vaccine, it could be detrimental, cause heart defects, cognitive impairment, growth and development delay, and can even cause death.
    References :
    Baylor University School of Nursing

  16. Mandy says:

    Some people do choose not to vaccinate- although most are no longer under the impression that they CAUSE autism.
    As for above- I'm sorry but vaxes didn't cause your friend's baby's down syndrome or cerebral palsy and it's really unlikely it caused your sister's botchulism. I've never even heard that from hardcore no vaxers. Did you live on a farm maybe? Did your sister have honey?

    To the asker- do your own research and do what's comfortable to you :-)
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  17. Laura1224 says:

    I was worried about that too but you have to weigh out the benefits, and the chance of autism happening is SO miniscule. Just got my 2 month old done and she's fine! She's just been acting a little weird- tired alot and crying a lot but that's normal – give them tylenol if they have a fever though.
    References :

  18. mandyhornbeck1981 says:

    I didn't used to, but I certainly do now. When my third baby got his four month shots he slept for two days then stopped babbling, smiling, laughing, and waving. My next baby won't be getting any vaccines at all.

    Do plenty of research. People think vaccine reactions are rare, but they're not!
    References :

  19. Amethyst says:

    I asked my doctor about this too. He said there is a bigger risk to your child if he/ she is not vaccinated. Because of this autism scare alot of parents are not vaccinating thier chilred. If there was an outbreak and you choose for your chid to not get vaccinated guess whats going to happen.
    If autism was in your family i could see why you might look more into it, maybe genetic screening ect…Still its better to vaccinate your children to prevent disease and outbreak.
    References :
    mother of 2

  20. EvansMommy says:

    Yes.That is why I am delaying or maybe even not getting them.I know there will be a select few that I will not let my son get no questions about it,but still undecided on the rest.IF he gets any shots,it will be when he is older.I feel that regardless of what others say about you,it is your child & therefore your desicion.In the end,who really cares what complete strangers say or think about them anyways!!
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  21. Jeremy M says:

    For someone not to feel some "danger" or sense of worry simply means they are ignorant or uneducated to the potential danger. The fact that you have taken the time to research side effects is a very smart move. However, it boils down to gut instinct and knowledge. And as far as down syndrome…really? Was that really said? And "vaccines cause autism". That is hysterical. I seriously doubt the people making that claim are even of aware of the specific type of mercury that allegedly caused a relational increase in the risk of developing autism.
    Seriously, Go with your gut. Ask your husband.
    References :

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