I've heard of drops or fluids that can be ingested. Has anyone heard of this? Is this safe? Where is this available? Are there any other options? Do you know where in Canada they provide vaccines that are broken down (no combo shots), and do not use mercury or formedlyhde as a preservative AND have not been "killed" or "deadened" by passing the vaccine through animal or fetal tissue. I know that not all vaccines have preservates or are killed with tissue, but I don't know where to find them! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not against vaccinations so please no rude answers.

There are Homeopathic vaccines. I choose to do neither. What I do is naturally boost my son's immunity. I find that more appealing then injecting him with a list of toxins. Do your research and then do what you think is right.

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2 Responses to Alternatives to or safer vaccinations?

  1. Veggiegirl says:

    There are Homeopathic vaccines. I choose to do neither. What I do is naturally boost my son's immunity. I find that more appealing then injecting him with a list of toxins. Do your research and then do what you think is right.
    References :

  2. Stephani B says:

    Ask you peditrician if his/her practice uses vaccinations that contain Thimerosal or any other mercury based preservative. If they do find another practice. I live in CT and askd my Pedand he said that the practice stopped using Thimerosal 8 years ago.

    Also – NO Flu shots if you are concerned. They also contain Thimerosal . Which may be linked to Alzheimers..

    Think about it…FDA says limit your fish intake because of mercury but then also adivse you to have a flu shot that contains mercury?!?!

    Good luck – you will find a dr that does not use thimersol
    References :

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